Meg Jay is a clinical psychologist and she has something wants to tell to the twentysomething: 30 is not the new 20. She thinks 20s is the most simplest and transformative period, because what we do in our 20s play an important part in our future, such as work, love, happiness, and personality. So whatever it is you want to change about yourself, you should do it right now. Don't tell yourself you still have time to wandering around and doing nothing. You should seize your 20s because when you are 30, you will find out that is difficult to do evreything all at once in your 30s. Meg Jay suggested we should get identity capital and try to reach as much "weak ties" as we can, because these "weak ties" may let us find a new area in our lives.
What can listeners learn from this talk?
Most of the twentysomething confused about the value of themsleves, 20s is a precious period in our lives, But sometimes we don't really realize what kind of change have and just wasted. After watching this talk, I think listeners who are in there twentysomething can try to make some changes in their lives and develop more relationships with other.
P.s You can buy the speaker's book in bookstore if you like the speaker, there are more information in the book.
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