2014年1月2日 星期四

Final Listening Lab Blog Assignment !

1.  Write a list of listening skills that you learned about from each of the units that we studied. 
Unit 1- identifying main ideas
Sometimes main idea is not stated directly so we can try to find main idea by finding some clues.

Unit 2 - making inferences
Try to find out what the speaker is implying.

Unit 3 - listening for examples
Try to identify the phrases that introduce examples and notice speaker's rising intonation.

Unit 4 - recognizing appositives that explain
An appositive gives deeper information of the word or idea, they are set off by commas.

Unit 5 - organizing notes with a T-chart
try to organize our notes by using T-chart, separate them into two category

 2.  Which listening skill (mentioned above) did you find the most valuable?  Why?
I think "organizing notes with a T- chart is the most valuable listening skill, and I also think it is the most difficult skill and need a lot of practice. everyone can organizing notes with T-chart, but not everyone can make a T-cart that is easy to understand or simple but well-organized. It needs a lot of skill that mentioned above(identifying main ideas, making examples......) But if you can make a perfect T-chart that also means you had use these listening skills very well. And it is a very efficient way to tidy up my notes and make it easy to understand. My notes were usually mess and not logical enough, but now using T-chart makes my notes much clearer than before.

3.  What are some ways in which your listening in English has improved this semester?
I think the basic rule of learning English is keep practicing, and the listening class really helped me a lot. I didn't have any English class for a long time so at the beginning I'm not get use to the English class, sometimes I have to think for a long time to transfer what I want to say from Chinese to English. But after I take this course, every week I have the chance to listen to the slum-dog millionaire, and that makes me more familiar with English. What's more, because we have to take notes while listening to the story, so I can also practice my skill of taking notes. At the same time, because we have to answer the question of the story, so I can also check what I had missed on my notes or I answered the question right or wrong. Discussing with my classmates also helps me to ask them what I missed or the details that I don't understand very much, and I can help my classmates too.

4.  What are some challenges that you still face in your English listening?  How do you plan to overcome these challenges?
I think I have to memorize more vocabulary and know how to pronounce them  because I discover that sometimes I can't understand what speaker want to tell because I can't understand the vocabulary. So that is what I want to work on. Also, sometimes if a sentence is too long, I will miss the meaning because I can't organized the sentence together. What I can do is to keep listening more article and try to focus and pay attention on it.

5.  Based on your experience with listening to many different types of activities in English this semester (listening to radio reports, radio interviews, TED talks, the audio book, a song, etc.), what is the most efficient way that you can train yourself to improve your English listening on your own?  Explain your answer.I think listening to songs is the most efficient way that I can train myself to improve my English listening. Because songs are shorter then other thing that is mention above, so it is more easier to memorize the lyrics, and the chores repeat again and again so it can also help me to memorize. I like to listening to music very much so I won't feel pressure when I am listening to songs, compare to other thing like TED talk, if the topic is hard or something that I'm  not very interested in, I will feel frustrated and can't keep pay attention on it. But I don't have the same problem if I am listening to music. So if I have to choose a way to improve my English listening on my own,  Also, some lyrics are as beautiful as poems so I can learn how to use the words in a beautiful way.